Appingine | mobile app development company

Banner Or Pop-up Ads? Absolutely not! 01

While an excessive training, the last thing you would want would be your workout to get hindered by a banner or pop-up ads, right? This is why going with Fitvate would be a good option for you. We understand that gym fanatics aren’t fond of pop-up ads. Hence we have created this masterpiece to be super add-friendly! Instead of apps, Fitvate uses the Fremium model! Some of the exercises on the app are for free; however, the real magic lies in the pro version of the app!

Create your own workout plan! 02

We believe that workouts & fitness Plans should be available for everyone. Fitvate is the best fitness trainer app to help you lose weight, burn fat, and build muscle & strength within no time! How? This Fitness coach app allows users to create a personalized fitness plan of their own so they can exercise just the way they want! With this personal trainer app on your device, you no longer have to remain restricted to the average customized workout plans available on google!

Appingine | mobile app development company
Appingine | mobile app development company

Never miss your exercise! 03

A friend in need is a friend indeed, and especially a friend like a best personal trainer app that helps you maintain your healthy lifestyle goes a long way! Fitvate comes integrated with a push notifications facility that will keep the user notified about their upcoming training schedules, as well as a “drinking water” reminder to help users stay hydrated all the time! Having said that, there’s no chance of missing out on your exercise with Fitvate!

Super user-friendly gym trainer app! 04

While designing this masterpiece, we do acknowledge that not everyone can afford weight equipment in their home; that is why we decided to create a model that caters to a massive crowd and can be utilized by every individual out there. The exercises come included in the app don’t require any external weight lifting equipment or machines! Coming with a super-friendly user interference, the user would face zero problems while navigating this app!

Appingine | mobile app development company

About Fitvate App05

Fitvate - Home & Gym Workout Trainer, is an easy to use mobile gym & home workout planner app.

Perfect personal trainer app for starting your bodybuilding journey or taking your fitness to the next level! Numerous free workout plans, workout programs and detailed video explanations of video workouts so you can perfectly complete your gym workouts as per your gym program and gym schedule.

Appingine | mobile app development company

How it's done?

Appingine uses the cutting-edge technologies and gadgets in order to persuade the best user-experience for our potential clientele.

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